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About Me::

I'm Samin Yasar Antar, a really young web and graphics designer (still learning)   I work with pure HTML,XHTML,XML,CSS,and JavaScript. I'm still reading in school, i love to learn new stuff and i'm just a simple kid, who used to wonder arround the internet, now i'm Just a smart kid on the WEB!
A tech and software junkie, On a Journey to be the Best Ethical Hacker there is.
on Facebook: Samin Yasar (Antar)
on Twitter:     Samin Yasar 
email:            Mail Me

How HackClarify Launched..

Personally, there was a passion hidden in order to have a platform where I can share many things related to Information Technology and its bad aspects, where I could share that how people get fooled by many scams which are present at internet and eventually get hacked, where I may produce a sense of wisdom that How a hacker is able to hack your internet online presence which is mostly secured by passwords and all that and where I wanted to show many ways like using them which a hacker may get into your accounts, your computer must not be vulnerable to viruses, you must have an updates antivirus, your own sites must be secured etc. In-fact, I wanted to share generalized knowledge too which may make your daily use of computer more easy and yes, I am doing this for all my readers who are listening too me with the help of this I can share many things related to Information Technology and its bad aspects, where I could share that how people get fooled by many scams which are present at internet and eventually get hacked, where I may produce a sense of wisdom that How a hacker is able to hack your internet online presence which is mostly secured by passwords and all that and where I wanted to show many ways like using them which a hacker may get into your accounts, your computer must not be vulnerable to viruses, you must have an updates antivirus, your own sites must be secured etc. In-fact, I wanted to share generalized knowledge too which may make your daily use of computer more easy and yes, I am doing this for all my readers who are listening too me with the help of this platform.  Well you might see a lot of posts Watermarked WIREDHACKCS.BLOGSPOT.COM , this is that HackClarify started its journey with the domain

How It all Started

How I took a start? this might be the question which may come in your mind, Well, Google was actually my best partner to learn and to search things. In start I learnt HTML and after that CSS to design web pages, it took time to polish all my efforts and with the passage of time and grace of Almighty ALLAH I learnt many things related to web developing, as well as Photoshop and many images designing techniques, which play and important role in web designing. Along with web-developing I also took Ethical Hacking with me. From the very start I knew a very thin difference between hacking for fun and in order to learn and be secure, So, like all other people I never tried to deface or do such other activities. I may share articles which may tell you that how to hack, but the sole purpose behind such articles is to tell my readers that how a hacker may get into things. So, while creating and designing things, I thought to design my own blog site where I may share such things, My first step was very simple blog, as at that time I wasn't as much mature in web-developing, but tutorials were powerful at that time too. So, with passage of time I sorted out many things and now HackClarify is what you can see. 

My current goal is to Get Many Subscribers and Commentators on HackClarify.
Day by Day i'm posting the best content i can write. If i get comments and such, i will be very proud, if i don't get any comments at all i guess the end of HackClarify is close. 

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